Cerritos Employees Endorse Four Candidates; Only Three Seats Are Up For Election

Cerritos, California - Cerritos city employees, represented by AFSCME Local 619, did something very bold and unusual. They endorsed four candidates in a race with only three open seats. Cerritos employees announced their endorsements for the March 4 General Election for Cerritos City Council. While only three seats are open in this cycle, the union has taken the extraordinary step of endorsing four candidates, recognizing that an exceptional group of individuals have emerged as true champions for working families and the community at large. The endorsed candidates are: Mark Pulido Jennifer Hong Pat Patnaik Riaz Surti “Our endorsement process is driven by our commitment to ensuring strong, principled leadership in Cerritos,” said Rogan Girard, President of AFSCME Local 619. “This year, we encountered a unique situation where more than three candidates clearly stood out as aligned with our values, vision, and dedication to public service. Rather than limit our support arbitrarily, w...