Conspiracy Theorists FAIL At Hijacking School Board Candidates Forum
The eight candidates for the NLMUSD school board. (Screen grab from La Mirada Blog's Youtube video) LA MIRADA - Parents ignored an attempt by event organizers to turn a Norwalk-La Mirada school board candidates forum into a conspiracy theory forum. "What's with these questions? There's definitely an agenda going on here." Those were the words I heard from the parents closest to me as I witnessed one of those cliche' school board meetings you might see on Youtube from the Midwest , the Deep South , or maybe just Orange County , California, where big government religious authoritarianism still have their militant enclaves, and conspiracy theories abound. The questions asked were about critical race theory (CRT), LGBTQ issues, gender issues, and of course - communism. But this was no mere school board meeting, folks. This was a candidate's forum. Just under 80 people attended a candidates forum on September 16, put on by the La Mirada Chamber of Commerce ...