
Showing posts from July, 2022

Union President Argues IN FAVOR Of Medicare For All

  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - In front of 3000 other union members, a union president from California argued that Medicare for All is the solution to America's healthcare crisis, and that Americans should put a stop to money's unfortunate influence on politics and policy making. The resolution passed shortly afterwards. Andrew Perry, the union president being filmed, said he’s tired of the narrative that unions are against Medicare For All. “If anything, Medicare For All is beneficial to unions because it means union bargaining teams can focus on other things like salary, other benefits, safety, and other contractual obligations.”

Union Members From Across the Country Rally in Support of Philadelphia Museum of Art Employees

In fear, the Philadelphia Museum of Art closed its doors to the public today, because they did not want the good people of Philadelphia to know about their shameful attempts at union busting, nor see what was coming for them - thousands of union employees congregating on the iconic "Rocky steps" leading up to the world famous Philadelphia Museum of Art. Eye On Pioneer's Andrew Perry joins the rally.