
Showing posts with the label norwalk la mirada school district

Conspiracy Theorists FAIL At Hijacking School Board Candidates Forum

The eight candidates for the NLMUSD school board.  (Screen grab from La Mirada Blog's Youtube video) LA MIRADA  - Parents ignored an attempt by event organizers to turn a Norwalk-La Mirada school board candidates forum into a conspiracy theory forum. "What's with these questions? There's definitely an agenda going on here." Those were the words I heard from the parents closest to me as I witnessed one of those cliche' school board meetings you might see on Youtube from the Midwest , the Deep South , or maybe just Orange County , California, where big government religious authoritarianism still have their militant enclaves, and conspiracy theories abound.  The questions asked were about critical race theory (CRT), LGBTQ issues, gender issues, and of course - communism.  But this was no mere school board meeting, folks. This was a candidate's forum. Just under 80 people attended a candidates forum on September 16, put on by the La Mirada Chamber of Commerce ...