Artesia's Employee Union Says They're Goo-Goos (Yes, You Read That Right)

How can a union be a steward of 'good government'? That's what Eye On Pioneer is exploring. Artesia, California - Artesia's employee union is full of a bunch of goo-goos! What, pray tell, is a "goo-goo"?!? Hello Artesia residents, I'm Andrew Perry, a philosophy nerd and a purveyor of corny jokes and one liners. Sit back, relax, and in the words of Ross Geller from Friends , 'Get a load of this.' A goo-goo is an advocate for good government, and after Artesia employees' experiences last year, we've really come to embrace the ideas of the good government movement. In many ways, that was our guiding light. The term 'goo-goo' is a derivative of the original phrase "good government guys", which was a movement to reform municipal government and to find ways to reduce corruption, inefficiency, and assure honesty, transparency, and positive results for the constituents that a City is supposed to serve. Goo-goo was actually coin...