Opportunity For Democracy - Cerritos Considering Revising Its Charter
Cerritos, California - Cerritos has been keeping this under the radar, but it is currently reviewing its charter.
This is an excellent opportunity for residents to ask for something like adding district representation of City Councilmembers. Cerritos is a big city, with a population of just over 50,000 residents.
However, in Cerritos the people who often win a Council seat are the individuals who have the support of the big business ventures, like the malls or especially the automobile sales lobby. That won’t change in future elections, because money in politics is unfortunately a reality in American politics. But by having Councilmembers from specific districts, it at raises the accountability of an individual Councilmember.
A Councilmember representing a certain district will be answerable to the residents of his/her district, and if residents aren’t happy, it’s a lot easier to vote the person out.
It will also be a lot easier for grass roots, aka ‘unbought’ candidates to run an election, too.
The next meeting is tonight (11/15) at 6:30pm, at the Cerritos Senior Center. Here’s the agenda:
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